Where are you located?
TCC Center for Workforce Solutions is located at 7000 College Drive, Suffolk, VA 23435. Although most courses are taught on other TCC campuses, there is not a Workforce office on each campus.
Any course fee or tuition is due at time of registrations.
We use some traditional media advertising, websites, and social media. In all promotional activities, we drive people to our website for program specifics. (www.tccworkforce.org)
How can TCC employees learn what is being offered through the Center for Workforce Solutions? The best source is the Workforce Enrollment System or WES (https://tcc.augusoft.net/). Our courses and programs change often to meet the needs and requests of our clients.
How do I know if a Workforce program is right for me? Workforce Solutions has a FastForward Career Coach who will discuss career plans with you. Please call 822-1234 to be connected.
Is funding available to take classes in Workforce Solutions? Yes, there are several sources of financial assistance available to Workforce students. Certain programs approved as FastForward courses receive state funding to reduce the cost to Virginia residents to 1/3 of the total cost. If you meet established criteria for financial need, you may qualify to pay only ten percent of that 1/3 of the cost for those FastForward programs. Details and the application are at https://workforce.tcc.edu/financial-assistance Some employers pay for their employees to take job-related training. Grants and Sponsored Programs meet the needs of many special populations and include funding for the courses. Call 757-822-1234 for additional information.
Can students convert any of the training received through Workforce into credit for courses in the occupational/technical programs at TCC? TCC has in place several means of applying for credit through standardized and local exams, training through non-collegiate institutions, and Noncredit to Credit Pathways. (See the most recent TCC Catalog for more information: https://www.tcc.edu/academics/catalog/)