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Ed2Go: Digital Game Artist Certificate

The Digital Game Artist Certificate program trains students to become professional video game artists. Training centers around developing core skills for jobs related to Digital Art, 3D Art, Modeling, Character Design and Environmental Art Design. Once completed, students will have multiple employable skills including modeling game props and characters, importing required elements into game specific software, animation of game assets, and more.

The program has four main components:

  • Art Foundations
  • Technical Skills
  • Asset Development
  • Portfolio Development

Upon program completion, students will enter the field at or above industry level standards.

This is not like most courses which tend to be ‘all-purpose’ programs. This is a skills-specific program which will teach the key components and competencies needed to excel in positions related to 3D Art for Games and Environmental Art for Games. This program goes beyond software and game related techniques, and touches on just about everything, including general design and concept art. Students will learn the fundamental principles of what makes good art great and the key social aspects needed for continued growth and professional development.

Cost: $2,595.00

Course ID/# : 3868/1130038
Tuition: $0.00

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